Roxanne Lundgaard

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

So, this is right about the point in the summer where I normally start to get kinda tired of the heat, and tired of structure-less days, and all of our summer trips and visits are over......I might be pretty complainy by now anyways. But I think the thing that is bugging me the most is that the kids have been sick for a week now, so all we've been able to do is stay home and lament the Dog Days of Summer. Is anyone tired of my whining yet?? I'll try to be positive and think back a couple weeks, when my whole family was here, and summer was still fun:)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Little Miss is officially 2!

Having Gwen in our life for the past 2 years has been an incredible experience. I know she's only 2 years old, but somehow she brings out the best in all of us. Plus, as a mom, it's been so fun to watch her bond with Nolan, just like I did with my big brother. Watching the two of them be happy together makes me joyful in ways that I didn't know I could be......

Saturday, May 24, 2008

please don't mock my blog

My brother thought that i would be much cooler if I had a blog......look how happy he is that i've registered on blogger! I wish it was this easy to make everyone this happy:)